Stories by Sri Chinmoy's students and friends
Mahatapa Palit • New York, United States

'I may not be your physical father, but I am your eternal father'

Sri Chinmoy recieves the 'India's Peace Service Tree' award from Florida International University

In May 1998, Guru offered a university lecture and concert series. Because I was working at the Florida International University in Miami, I was able to extend an invitation to Guru from the Department of Religion. That was a very, very special blessingful event for me. It was a beautiful programme and a beautiful concert. We had a function after the concert.

Guru asked me when I was going to come next time to New York. He said, "Will you come in August?" I already knew I wanted to come for Father's Day, so I said, "Guru, I will come for Father's Day."

Suddenly there was a hush in our function room. For those of us who have had that experience, when Guru would come in sometimes to Aspiration-Ground, there would be a complete stillness. Everything would just become very quiet. With a voice, an inner voice that came from Heaven – it didn't sound like a person speaking – Guru said, "I may not be your physical father, but I am your eternal father."


Father, I live only for You

Father, I live only for You.
Daughter, live only for the Supreme in Me.

Father, I live only for You.
Daughter, live only for the Divinity in Me.

Father, I live only for You.
Daughter, live only for the Dream in Me.

Father, I live only for You.
Daughter, live only for the Reality in Me.

Sri Chinmoy 1


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