Stories by Sri Chinmoy's students and friends
Agraha Levine • Seattle, United States

Two stories from Sri Chinmoy's statue in Seattle

Sunday, August 1st, 2021: My Two Little Friends and I Get to Meet Again

    For many months last year and the year before, I had two young helpers with our watering of the beautiful garden at Guru’s statue. They were 3-year-old Oscar and 6-year-old Oliver – two very cute and very smart children of the lovely couple in the houseboat located just as I enter the locked gate where 7 or 8 beautiful house-boats are moored. At the end are a water spigot and long hose leading to our statue that the house-boat owners kindly allow us to use!

    The children, specially Oscar, would always be so happy whenever I came. It was the time of lockdown and they had not been with friends their age for months. Most times I would come by, I would hear Oscar scream, “My friend! My friend is here!” with unbridled joy. Both the boys would walk with me after we turned on the water to greet Guru and water our beautiful flowers.

    Oscar would always want to help me. One day he brought a cute little hand-shovel, so I gave him a task to help smooth out some of the very uneven ground so all visitors would be safe. He was so happy to help out!

    About a year ago the family moved to Renton to a much larger house for the space and so the children could be near other children their age. It was a little sad to say goodbye for me and for them.

    On Sunday afternoon I got a message from the boys’ Mom saying they were all coming by Sunday evening because they had new renters and wanted to be sure everything was all set. Could I come?

    Just after I arrived on my bike, Oscar and Oliver arrived with their grandparents – and we were all thrilled to see each other. They asked me to come in and showed me all around the house-boat, specially the beautiful deck at the very top. Oscar just wanted to talk and talk with me and share all he had been doing.

    Before I left, their Mom came out to their entrance to say a few words privately to me. She thanked me like only a kind and loving mother can. She said that during the entire pandemic time while they were living in the houseboat, Oscar told his mom that he had only two really good friends – me and Guru!

Heavenly friends
Lead us, guide us
Connect us with God,
The only real Friend.

Sri Chinmoy 1

Monday, August 2nd, 2021: Richard the Philosopher

Tonight at Guru’s statue I saw an older white-haired man named Richard whom I had seen there once before.

He said to me, “I love coming here. I just like to reach out and feel the Spirit of Sri Chinmoy. This is a place of peace in a siren-filled world.

“Sri Chinmoy represents to me something that also the Christ did. The way I envision Sri Chinmoy is that he has a very, very special life, and he came only for one reason: To be more than just himself. To be for the entire world.”

He met his long-forgotten Friend,
Deep in the embrace of Peace.

Sri Chinmoy 2

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